Fostering willpower: A spiritual tonic
In his speech at the 1925 Jalsa Salana in Qadian, the English translation of which has been published as Way of the Seekers , Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) spoke on a number of subjects relating to morality. One fascinating aspect that Huzoor (ra) elaborated upon was of the ego, willpower, and their relationship with avoiding sin. Although the term ego generally has a negative connotation in spiritual discourse, Hazrat Musleh Maud (ra) clarified an important balance. He said: "...It is agreed that the ego is like a horse. True, the horse has to be exercised. Within reasonable limits it has to be kept lean but not too lean; fit enough to ride yet not so unruly as to throw the rider. But have you ever seen someone who should have become a good horseman merely by starving the horse? ...If a person does not know riding, he cannot learn it by starving the horse. Similarly it is a mistake to believe that by starving the ego, you can tame it or can make it obey your commands. You control t...